Capricorn Star Sign and Carnelian

There are a number of gemstones associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Carnelian is one of them.

Carnelian is a stone of courage, confidence and creativity. It helps you call upon the courage and confidence within you. It lights the spark of creativity so you can truly express yourself.

It is also thought to attract prosperity and good fortune while protecting against poverty.

Zodiac gemstones are also known as Astral stones

The attributes of gemstones has evolved greatly over the years. Since semi-precious gemstones have become so popular there is almost no attribute that isn't associated with nearly all the gemstones depending on where you look for information.

It is however, great fun to "look up" what gemstones are best for you. I have found that the power of the gemstones can be found in their ability to remind you of particular affirmations. What you associate with your gemstones is uppermost in your mind when you wear them. 


When wearing your carnelian jewellery you can say:

I am passionate and courageous,

I am able to express my ideas creatively and with passion,

I welcome creative energy into my life,

I easily find solutions to my problems,

I have the courage to share my creative gifts,

I enjoy sharing my creative gifts with the world,

I am an innovative thinker,

I attract positive energy that inspires me to create.

Choose one of these affirmations that suits your desires or a particular problem you have at present. Think it and say it out loud while wearing your carnelian jewellery.

Quality carnelian gemstone bead with Stirling silver wire and 
Karen Hill tribe silver seed beads.


Capricorn people are said to have a drive to get things done.

On the Well and Good website you can find out lots about Capricorn and other Zodiac signs.

"Capricorns are determined to make things happen during their lifetime. They’re known for their serious focus, especially in youth." —astrologer Elisabeth Grace

Capricorns are the ultimate worker bees; they’re ambitious, organized, practical, goal-oriented, and they don’t mind the hustle. 

It's worth noting that Capricorns' relentless drive to succeed can mask a deeper fear of failure, which can be crippling when it's surfaced by setbacks along the way.

(You can read more HERE)
